A discovery journey of the places where the political powers of the
Serenissima used to meet. The stunning Public Chambers with
Majestic Masterpieces by Tintoretto, Tiziano e Paolo Veronese
describing the Glory of the Millenarian Republic. Then we will
explore a startling part of the Palace made of dark rooms, secret
passages and torture chambers, till we will be reaching the attic
and its famous “Piombi” the Lead Prisons, from which Giacomo
Casanova managed to escape.
Una visita alla splendida basilica d’oro con la maestosità dei
suoi mosaici che raccontano le storie dell’Antico e Nuovo
testamento, la Pala d’Oro e la tomba di S. Marco.
In seguito visiteremo Palazzo Ducale, le sale istituzionali e,
attraverso il ponte dei Sospiri, raggiungeremo le prigioni nuove,
utilizzate per oltre cinquecento anni.
This is the most important collection of
Venetian Paintings produced between the XIVth Century and the
XVIIIth Century: Paolo and Lorenzo Veneziano, Vivarini, Giovanni
Bellini, Giorgione, Tiziano and Tintoretto.
At the end of the visit we will be strolling around the Dorsoduro
District and we will have the opportunity to see the very last
example of superb craftmanship, the Squero of San Trovaso, where Gondolas come to life by being carved by hand.
Visiting Ca’ Rezzonico gives you the unique opportunity of
immerging yourself into the typical atmosphere of a Venetian
Palace with its Ballroom, the Portego and Bedrooms.
The main parts of the palace were masterfully decorated by
Giambattista Tiepolo, the most famous Venetian Painter of the
XVIIIth Century.
We will also see canvases painted by Pietro Longhi who focused
mainly on reproducing snapshots of everydaylife and the delicate
portraits painted by Rosalba Carriera, who mastered the use of
pastel, soft colours to make alive the characters of her time.
In Venice the so called Schools were Guilds which aimed to assist
and help their associates; they could be “di Mestiere” for
craftsmen, artisans and merchants or “di Carita” for protecting and
supporting paupers and the sick.
St. Rocco School was entirely decorated by Jacopo Tintoretto.
Maria Gloriosa dei Frari is one of the four Basiliche of
Venice and is characterised by its grandiose space and carved
wooden choir stalls, the magnificent canvases by Tiziano, who is
buried here, and Antonio Canova’s Tomb.